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How to Cultivate your Intuition and Sixth Sense with the psychic Tarot!

How to Cultivate your Intuition and Sixth Sense with the psychic Tarot!

Many people are interested in developing a better relationship with their intuition. In modern Western society we are always on the go and are also very ‘heady.’ Most of us barely have the time to relax, yet alone meditate. With all of the thoughts of our daily routine and chatter spinning in our brains some may even wonder if they have an intuition at all. So, I wanted to present to you an easy way to cultivate relaxation, receptivity, and the cultivation of your Intuition.

With the Tarot, the Card that best develops your intuition is the High Priestess Card. Her planet is the moon, the reflector of the Sun. She is the female counterpart to the Magician with his wand. She is yin and the Magician is yang. She represents receptivity, and her archetype specializes in the cultivation of your memory, intuition, psychic abilities, and Sixth Sense!

In the Thoth Deck she opens her arms upward, creating a bowl shape around her heart. In the Rider-Waite deck she sits between the Pillars of Severity and Mercy holding the Scroll of our Memory, the Torah, or the Akashic Records of humanity. It is said that her scroll contains the entire collective unconscious memory of human history!

First of all, we can meditate on the High Priestess Card to deepen our memory. And to have a good memory, we have to be receptive. Our minds have to be a receptacle so that we can absorb and retain our memory. By meditating on the archetype of the High Priestess and envisioning her scroll or her arms swinging up and out and creating a bowl around her heart, we can beckon ourselves to have deeper, better, and stronger memories.

Second, we can meditate on the Priestess to deepen our intuition! To be intuitive we have to be able to receive the messages being sent to us from our inner guidance system. The Rider-Waite High Priestess sits in front of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and her path is between Tiphareth (the heart), and Kether (the crown). She therefore embodies both, a higher feeling and knowing all at once. She is open to the higher messages of God and the Universe along with being receptive to her own heart. By meditating on the High Priestess Card we can become more receptive to messages from the Universe and the messages from our own inner voice or Holy Guardian Angel.

Third, when we are practiced in being receptive in this fashion and we have cultivated both our memory and our intuition using the gifts the High Priestess gives us, we can additionally become open to the psychic messages of the Universe and develop our Sixth Sense! We can better sense the energies around us, and feel the pathogenesis of energy as it comes into manifestation in our lives. We may have hunches, experience synchronicities, or be led to the right information or the right people at the perfect time! By developing a relationship with the Priestess we can increase our predictive, clairsentient, clairaudient, and clairvoyant abilities, and know, feel, hear, and see in a much deeper way!

Therefore we find, the High Priestess and her lessons show us how to receive. So, ask and you shall receive, and open your heart!

In Service and Love, Bianca (Bohemian Tarot) (619) 384-9208


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