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TAROT Readings – Reflective, Introspective, and Predictive

Is the Tarot reflective or predictive?  This question is essentially two sides of the same coin.  When we pull a Tarot Card it draws us into the existing moment.  It has the ability to present us with a glitch in the time continuum while guiding us to our point of power, which is always the present.  When we turn a card we find ourselves suspended in space, and drawn fully into what is at hand.  True, we may reflect on what has transpired and what is to become.  We may also delve into ourselves and discover our deeper potential.  The card show us how to harness it’s particular lesson Now!  The Tarot Cards draw into question the energy, pathogenesis, and lines of transmission needed for our growth, and allow us to see both deeper, and more clearly, just how to proceed.  Through the Tarot Reading process one sees that, like life, the cards will certainly fall where they are going to fall, but their wisdom has given us all of the tools we need to handle whatever may happen to us next!

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